NGO Photojournalism by Karl Grobl
Fall Newsletter, 2004

Get professional photographs of your
West Africa programs...
reserve space now !

In this issue :

Grappling with a Pandemic

What I can do for you

Satisfied Clients

Sign up now

Additional Info

Karl Grobl is an award-winning photojournalist who specializes in, and contracts exclusively with, humanitarian organizations.

Early this year Karl spent 2 months in Cambodia and Vietnam where he shot for nine different NGOs including World Vision, Catholic Relief Services and Family Health International.

Last Nov. & Dec., Karl was in Haiti documenting the humanitarian efforts of Freedom From Hunger, Hospital Albert Schweitzer, World Relief, PADF and others.

Visit Karl's Website

How can my work enhance your
Website or printed materials ?

Check out Freedom From Hunger's
new online feature using images
created last fall !

Click Here

I'm just back from assignments in
Bolivia and Peru so be sure
to visit my website for updates
and photos soon.


Hi, I'm award-winning photojournalist Karl Grobl.

I specialize in, and contract exclusively with, humanitarian organizations like yours.

During September and October I will be working in and around Ghana, Burkina Faso and Mali. If you could benefit from some fantastic photos of your West Africa programs, now is the time to act !

You may already be familiar with my work from
  • Grappling with a Pandemic
    An on-line feature about a Gates Foundation funded AIDS program in Eldoret Kenya.
    The project is a joint effort with
    Indiana University and
    Moi University


    Click here to learn more about this program


  • What I can do for you
  •    If you have been purchasing expensive one-time rights to individual "stock images", or are using low quality unprofessional "snaps" taken by volunteers, images that just don't represent your organization effectively, this is a great opportunity for you.

    Why not get hundreds of stunning photos of your actual people and programs in action. All images are organized, optimized and delivered on CD rom, ready for printing or use on the web, and in PowerPoint presentations. All Images come with exclusive lifetime rights and no further publication costs's like having the negatives !
  • Satisfied Clients

    Professional images are powerful….A single compelling photograph used in your promotional literature or on your website, could spur a benefactor into action.

    Click logos to view a list of satisfied clients who use my images to create awareness, and raise funds for their organizations.

  • Sign up now space is limited !
  •    Contact me for a price quote and a list of available dates for photo shoots during my visit to West Africa.
  • Additional Information
  •    A brochure explaining my services is available as a PDF for viewing or download.

    Just click the photo....

    or email me and I'll send a hard copy by mail.

     ::  email us
     ::  visit our site

    858 689 1963

    This email was hand crafted and personally sent by me, Karl Grobl. I do not use an email service and I only send to a limited number of potential NGO clients. You may never know when you might need my services, so please consider staying on my email list rather than opting out. At the very least you'll see some nice photos once and a while in your inbox. (I plan to send this Newsletter only 4 times per year). If however you would like to be taken off my email list, just let me know, I'll be disappointed, but I will remove you immediately, thank you.