October 25th: With
forecasts calling for temperatures in the 90's, gusty winds, and thousands
of acres of dry, decades old brush, fire danger was at a critical level.
Fire crews were already working overtime fighting fires around the county.
CDF spokesperson Roxanne Provazncik was quoted as saying "we don't need
this right now". All of the ingredients were in place for the most devastating
fire in county history. Around midnight; a fire was reported in East
County, and by morning residents of Scripps Ranch woke to the smell
of smoke; and worse. Oct 26, 11:40 am: Just north of Pomerado Road neighbors
gather in a back yard to watch the fast approaching fire, fanned by
gusty Santa Ana winds and by winds created by the fire itself. On the
street below, residents pack up belongings and begin to evacuate. Some
have time to grab photographs, important papers and personal items;
others leave with only the clothes on their backs.