What people are saying
Ever since this website debuted back in 1998 I have received comments from people in all parts of the world.
The outpouring of approval and support has been both inspiring and personally rewarding.
My heartfelt thanks to all those who have taken the time to write.
Below is a sampling of my favorites.....
Karl Grobl (www.karlgrobl.com) Karl is a recent addition to our special people list. I am blessed and honored to have his friendship. If you had to choose one link to open and wanted a life changing experience this would be it. Karl's images are remarkable as is he. The images you see on his site [in my opinion] are about life, involvement, belief, love and passion. They are not opinion they are reality. Please take a minute to share this experience Bill Shirley
Hello Mr. Grobl – I would like to thank you for your photos. I work for a face-to-face fundraising agency, working on behalf of various charities such as Children International, CARE, Plan, Save the Children, the WWF, etc., and am an amateur photographer. I simply can not say enough things about your work. Your sensitivity to the subject and subject matter is outstanding. I’m constantly viewing your new works and finding inspiration to go out and shoot something new every day. Basically, I’d just like to say thank you for doing what you do. Whether you know it or not, you inspire people like me everyday.
Dan T. - New York City
and then later that same day......
Karl – I’m literally astounded that you’ve written back, and with feedback no less! Thanks a million for this, as you’ve given me a new photo assignment….to seek out and cover some more low light shooting situations. Living in New York City certainly provides plenty of opportunities.
As soon as I sort out a few things here at the office, I’m headed on over to view your tsunami images.
Man how I’m green with envy! What I wouldn’t give to see what you see! But on the other hand, the grass is always greener, as I can imagine covering a post tsunami environment must me shocking and inspiring at the same time.
Any who….thanks again for everything Karl, there’s a smile on my face a mile wide…and that Nikon D100 is going to be getting much more of a workout in the near future.
"I was just at a Board of Trustees dinner for an organization that I am involved with. Typical dinner with folks that like doing good things in the world. We were saying good-bye to one of the staff people what was instrumental in forming the public image of this organization. A part of this send-off was a photo-montage of a sort by Karl Grobl, the chief photo-journalist for our organization. It was a series of photos of women and children we have helped through the work of this organization. Some were from Burkina Faso, some from Bolivia, some from India, and some from the Philipines. Many of these women and children we know from our work with them, and they are more than just pictures. I had one of those seminal events tonight, watching grown men and women, most of whom are international business leaders, crying watching this presentation. They were just looking at the pictures with tears streaming down their faces. I was sitting there thinking just how fortunate I am to have the opportunity to be part of this group. I remember thanking the President of the Board for allowing me to be part of this whole thing. We do a lot of posting on this board, much of which is so much BS that it is difficult to take when placed in perspective. I am as guilty of this as anyone. I can't believe just how shallow I can be at times, and how much more I could be doing to make a difference in this world. So I am going to ask each of you out there to think about just how fortunate you are, and to think about those less fortunate than you. I don't really care how you make a difference. But PLEASE, resolve to do something, ANYTHING that will allieviate some of the suffering in this world. Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest impact. Your action can make the difference in a child's future."
Tom Waltman
The Lens Paper - October Speaker: Karl Grobl: Karl's presentation was entitled "Photojournalism and Environmental Portraiture", and his compelling images of the human spirit quite literally touched our very souls.
PHOTOJOURNALISM: Karl Grobl. Seriously. This guy is fantastic. He's been all over the world the past 15 years or so on a mission to make it plainly obvious that no matter how well-meaning the First World believes itself to be toward the Third World, we simply aren't doing nearly as much as we could or should. Grobl doesn't preach. He's simply honest, passionate in his coverage and is completely free from any agenda other than to compel folks to action. If you saw any print coverage of the 2004 tsunami, chances are you saw Grobl's powerful work. Still, it's not all pain and gloom. Grobl is overflowing with talent for expertly capturing moments of sheer joy in a way that sometimes makes me a little teary eyed. As you might expect, his technique is flawless and, as luck would have it, he's more than willing to share the knowledge.
Ezurbub (Chicago)
Mr. Grobl, I am just emailing you to tell you what a big inspiration you are to
me. I am currently a film and media studies student at UCI right now, but I am
slowly leaning towards photojournalism. I've always been into photography but
I found myself drawn to it even more after looking at your site. I'm sure you
get tons of emails and you're probably very busy, but I just wanted to let you
know that you are doing the world a huge favor. Keep on taking wonderful photographs.
Sincerely, Hannah
Moving work as usual. Over the years I have know you and watched your work develop, I have come to expect a level of emotional connection and compasion in your images. You continue to tap into that intangible sense of humanity that's mostly lost on today's Starbuck generation.
Keith A. Dunlop Photography, Inc., Port Hueneme, California
i found what i’d call an eye-opener. Karl Grobl ist not only a gifted photographer
but also a one-of-a-kind storyteller. Check out his website"
Jaege, Brussels, Belgium
I accidentally ran across your work while looking at another web site on the Xpan. I was visually and emotionally moved by your body of work. I’m sure you get many people who tell you what an impressive photographer you are, but it goes beyond that. Your work is important. I didn’t just see pictures of places that most American’s have no real concept of, but I saw very raw images of tragedy, of suffering, and what would appear to be happiness in places where you wouldn’t expect it. When I read about your travel schedule it sounded quite grueling. Keep up the phenomenal work and I’ll definitely look forward to stumbling across your site again.
Thanks; S. Kirk
Dear Karl,
A young writer came to speak about his book/novel on Radio France. The interview led him to speak of his own passions, of the different artists famous or unknown, whom he discovers as he travels through life. He lingered a while on your work that he came upon in the course of his explorations. He spoke of you with so much charm and so much praise that I could not help but seek to know more and discover for myself... It is my turn: after visiting your site I had to let you know that it is pure marvel.
Wishing that this message will reach you,
Mireille Dumas, (French Journalist/movie producer)
I forgot to add that as an amateur photographer I have long been an admirer of your son's work. Leonardo da Vinci wrote that the eyes are the window of the soul. Karl Grobl's portraits of people open this window, yet do not seem to invade the privacy of his subjects.
Pierre Lebeau
watch this slide show of images. This is from Karl Grobl, he is a photojournalist.
The song "why" really belongs to this set of images. http://www.karlgrobl.com/why/index.html
Bob, thanks
for the link. What a collection of powerful images! Elaine and I watched it, me
with tears in my eyes and Elaine crying and quite upset. In the Bible it says
Suffer the little children to come onto me. Our modern version seems to be - Let
the children suffer. It's in many ways a sad world that we live in.
I had the same reaction. It shows how powerfull photography is. Just before watching
this I was at another site looking through macro images of dragonflies, bees,
flowers and was smiling the whole way through, and then the change of emotion.
It reaches all the way inside to that special spot that holds the core of our
humanity. Why, Why, Why? The eyes, when you see them are so prominent, and seeking.
Thanks for the reminder. We've got a long ways to go. Yet, God does write straight
with a crooked pen.
EVERY time I watch your slide show from NYC it rips me apart. No image presentation
has had this intense an emotional impact. Where ever this photographic journey
takes you, I feel you have already arrived. Viewing your site changes how I think.
I easily fall into the trap of prejudice and racial stereotyping. I need the continual
reminder that what is important is the love of family and friends, and ultimately
respect and understanding of all folks throughout the world. Your term "One World"
says it all.
Thanks for the direction,
Steve, San Diego, CA
Karl: I wanted to tell you I just explored your website and am extremely touched
by your talent and ability to photographically capture the souls of people and
the land. The picture of you on your forward page speaks volumes as well. I can
see the happiness, sincerity and love of humanity on your face and in your eyes.
I'm proud to know you and to have learned of your work. Thank you for all you
do. Kindest regards,
Ginger, Indianapolis, Indiana
-writing in regard to the "tribute to New York" video....
I am wrecked and speechless. And love you for doing this.
Durham North Carolina
Wow. Wiping away tears. How inspiring! Great photos and perfect music.
Bill, Pleasanton, CA
Karl Your photographs are heart-warming. Everybody who sees them loves
them !
Thanks for your generosity and for letting us, and our supporters
use them.
Kenro Izu
I have never known a photographer that so completely captures the "heart and soul" of a picture. I love stories--love to read them, write them, tell them--and when I saw the picture of the RB cheerleader, I saw/heard/"wrote" a story in my mind, full of emotion and disappointment and hopes deferred. Karl cuts to the heart of the matter in every photograph. This is more than a profession; it is a God-given gift. When I saw this picture, I wanted to cry! That is photography at its best. One more example of the works of the "Heart Photographer"....thanks, Karl. Keep telling stories, OK? We need to "see" them!
Connie K, San Diego, CA
Thanks for a reflecting and peaceful brake in front of my computer. Tired and a little bit bored by my studies a started lo look for something that could carry me away for a while, that could bring back some good memories from all my travelling. So I just asked Alta Vista to search for "Lago de Atitlan", ´cause that was one of my favourite spots during my journey to central- and south-america previous winter. And one of the first suggestion was your photo-gallery. And the very first shot popping up on the screen was a harmonious and peaceful scene from the shore of the lake. Just the kind of scenery that I wanted to imagine. Great! Then for two hours I was stock by the computer, re-travelling in the cyber-world to Peru, Thailand and Guatemala - following your "footprints", admiring your shots and enjoying your comments and philosophy. Your site on the net is such a one that I wish I should have been producing myself. Keep on your work and your good ambition and your good efforts to contribute to a higher level of awareness about our planet and its fascinating diversity of inhabitants - differing in many ways but with the some human needs, goals, dreams and ambitions.
Tomas, Sweden
Hi Karl, I am in the midst of completing a thesis in order to get my degree and am absolutely stressing out. I just stumbled upon your pictures and I just had to write to you to thank you for the moments of peace and tranquility you have allowed me. Your photos are absolutely amazing, I really have no words to describe them. Thank you thank you thank you.
Michelle, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I have to confess that I started to cry watching your 9/11 video.
Erin, San Diego, CA
saw the article about you and your wife in the travel section today and out of
curiosity looked up your site. I am an avid photographer and enjoy looking though
the available sites on the web. Your site was on of the best I have seen yet!
Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures. It brought back happy memories of children
singing Spanish songs while we were visiting the ruins.
Mr Grobl, I just got done looking at the photos on your website. I heard about your site from the travel article in this Sunday's dispatch Your pictures are beautiful! Not only are the images wonderful, they are so clear, and so colorful. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
I'm impressed with your photography and envy you and the travels you have taken. The verbiage covering the local customs and culture is especially enlightening and enhances the photos. If you need someone to carry your camera equipment, let me know.
I just took a trip through your web site. It is a very nicely put together presentation--easy to navigate. I liked your photographs of the indigenous people very much. They showed warmth, caring and interest as did your comments. I especially liked your shots of Machu Picchu. The music was a nice touch.
You are an excellent photographer and I wish you the best of success--artistic and monetary.
Hi Karl! I am in awe of your work. How beautiful your photos are and the sayings you have chosen are so meaningful. Just thought you'd like to know that someone out here loves what you're doing! I'll keep checking your site to see the new photos you put up.
Thanks for letting me see parts of the world I've never imagined to be so beautiful.
Susie, Chicago
Karl, I visited your web site; it's wonderful, music and pictures and prose, all lend themselve to establishing peaceful perceptions of your pictures.The construction of the web gallery is as artistic as any I've seen.
Thanks for the web page, it made my day.
Karl!! It is late Monday night , but I ventured up to my studio with your business card in hand to log on and check out your web site. It is AWESOME!!!! I love your comments that accompany each image. What a great idea.
I have tried to photograph people and have been unsuccessful. It is difficult for me to capture a person's emotion and personality in a single photograph. You sure make it look easy!
San Diego, CA
Karl: Very impressive web site. I share with you the call of road and all the possibilities that one can encounter.
Warmest Regards,
I am older student returning to college and I had an assignment to find info about Guatemala on the net. I stumbled upon your website and was touched by your photos and choice of background music. Way back when I first went to college for photojournalism I dreamed of creating images such as yours, they're wonderful!
Thanks for distracting me from my homework for a moment.
Dear Karl, I am a PhD student at Edinburgh University, researching Hindu pilgrimage to a shrine in the Himalayas called Kedarnath. I was looking on the web for some statistics on the 2001 Kumbh and your site was fantastic! Not the standard dry academic approach but alive and vibrant. Your writing as well as your stunning photography. Thank you for a great site and for reminding me of what a land of juxtapositions India is.
Katy, Edinburgh, Scotland
I was struck by your bio which mentioned the similarities between peoples rather thatn the differences, I have traveled quite a bit and feel the same way.
All the very best,
Karl, Finally got around to visiting your amazing site. I believe it is now one of my favorite sites on the net. I am deeply impressed with the amount of work you have put into the presentation, but mostly on your artistry. I will continue to visit and see what you are up to.
San Diego CA
Hi Karl, I really enjoyed your photography, you capture magnificent light and your portraits are stunning.
Olga, Boston MA
I had no idea that you were such a renowned photographer. I should have guessed
from the quality of work that you displayed through you America's Tragedy tribute.
Truly amazing photograph's. I feel privileged to have been able to view them.
I will make a point of browsing through your site from time to time as you update
Andy, San Diego, CA
Hey Karl, Haven't
been on your website for a while.....nice job on the redesign. Checked out the
"America's Tragedy" section - wow!
Lori, Park City Utah
Hello, I saw your posting on the Benet Academy website. Your photographs are stunning, and appear familiar, so I must be seeing them in magazines or elsewhere.
Karl, I wanted to take a moment of your time for a couple of reasons... First, and foremost, we wanted to thank you for delivering a beautiful and well structured work of art to us in the form of our wedding album and CD. Each time I view the pictorial pieces I am amazed at the talent which God bestowed on you. Plus, you care about your craft, and it shows. We also appreciate that you not only captured our joy and celebration, but also added to it that day.
Chino CA
What an easy way to wake up in the morning listening to and reviewing your web page. It must be wonderful to travel, learn and have a business all in one.
Namaste Karl and Carrie, I hope you are fine there. I looked on the Karlgrobl Photography (website), it is really important picture(s) that you have collected. One picture speaks more than hundred words. It is really sadness that the innocent American people have lost their life. I pray with the god, it never happens again.
Have a good day,
Pokhara Nepal
We are shocked !!! How are you? How is going on situation there? I am shocked and horrify that the terrorist attacked on the building of World Business Center and on Pentagon, dead many people. This kind of incident should not be happen in any country. Please let me know about it. Keep in touch. We all are very sad to that incident. God bless you. I have sent you a post card to you. Hope >you will received it.
Best regards,
Balku, Pokhara Nepal
I visited your web site. Very interesting stuff. I thoroughly enjoyed the "trip". The times when I have travelled I was always amazed at how I had changed when I returned. With so many different experiences you must have some interesting insights into life. You should publish some books (perhaps you already have). You are a very interesting person. Its wonderful to follow one's dreams... Take care and enjoy all your future adventures through life. You are an inspiration to break out of the day to day grind of life.
Nice to know you,
I just wanted to tell you how much pleasure your website has brought me--the wonderful photographs, plus descriptions and quotes. You have given all of us a great gift.
Sarah, La Jolla, CA
That photo of Machu Picchu in the early morning light just did me in !
Hi Karl! I just visited your web site and am really happy I did. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your wonderful pictures. And I'm moved by your love for India (who else would quote Gandhiji in this age of Violence?). I particularly loved the story on Kumbha Mela. Frankly now I know more about KM! And the pictures are really vibrant. Have you published KM in the National Geographic magazine? Or was it Raghubir Singh? Were you there with him? I forgot. Nice to have met you.
Ajay, Trivandrum, India
Love your photos - especially the patriotic themes.
Liz from California
Teach me to shoot like you!
Erin, California
The quality of your work is truly breath taking. I figured it would be good, but I had no idea it would be that good.
Weston, Salt Lake City, Utah
Regarding the images made at the "Here is New York" exhibit in San Diego...I wanted to tell you how much I admire the work you and other photographers do- you take the feelings that most people wouldn't notice, you capture them and bring them to life - so others can share in the moment.
Allison, San Marcos, CA
Your photography is amazing. I am seriously at a loss for words for the incredible work you have done. I could feel the expressions on people and felt as if I was there. You gave me tears of sadness and excitement. Its hard to explain. Anyway just wanted you to know how much I appreciated your work
Hello, Today I spent time searching for sites on Guatemala looking for something positive. Your site brought some peacefulness to a mom (me) who has a daughter spending 3 months attending college in Guatemala City. She has been very good about emailing up until the last 3 days. She is to be in Panajachel this weekend and your site was very comforting to me.
Thank you, Nyla
have a wonderful web site. I love the people you photograph, they really grab
you. I just started in photography, and spend a lot of time looking at different
photographers. You some how have caught so much more than images of people. If
you ever do some teaching in the Midwest, I would love to attend.
Keep up
the good work.
I thought that I would tell you that your contest and your brother's
photography have influenced me to take the opportunity to go to Guatemala this
coming January. I will be on a missions trip that is primarily a medical trip
to a childrens hospital there. I am not a medical person but they say that they
need some concrete work done and after Honduras last year I think that I can do
Frank D, Chicago
Your photos they are very empowering and sensitive.
Emily, Executive Director Haitian Ministry
Your work is outstanding. It's truly an honor to see what you've done and the sensitivity with which you treat your subjects.
Best wishes, Sheila
came across an inspiring website of Karl Grobl photography. There is a whole lot
of amazing photographs from around the world. Karl has travelled to more than
20 countries. He did both color and black and white photography. Once you start
looking at the pictures, it is difficult to stop. Seriosly.
Leonid S. Mamtchenkov
Karl, Just wanted to drop a note and tell you that your photos are truly beautiful. Awesome is not a strong enough word. I think I spent more than an hour on your website. It all started on a Sunday afternoon when I got a bee in my bonnet to take a stroll down memory lane. Don't know why, but I ended up on the Benet website and browsed through the class of '79. Well, as they say, one link led to another. To sum it up I just wanted to say "you done good".
Karl Grobl is a master photographer,” said Nancy A. Kelly, MHS, HVO Executive Director. “He is able to capture the most essential and important moments in our health training projects in distilled and dignified images that convey the hopes and aspirations of people living and working in the developing world.”
Another first-place winner is Karl Grobl, a San Diego photojournalist who created a stunning portrait titled "Woman, Wad Shaman, Sudan." The Sudanese woman's eyes are chocolate-colored pools of light, and the smooth bronzed surface of her skin is contrasted by a coarse brown veil that frames her face.
By Marcia Manna staff writerSan Diego Union Tribune
Karl Grobl is a photojournalist that travels around the world following news stories, as well as his own curiosity of other cultures. In terms of the tsunami, Grobl states that "it is nearly impossible to translate the scope and scale of this tragedy into a photograph." He supports his claim with statements from other photographers who have photographed the aftermath of the catastrophe, being quoted as saying "One must see it to believe it" and "only those who witnessed it first hand, truly understand what happened the morning of December 26, 2004." Grobl's website is set up with many different photo tours, but the one specifically related to the tsunami has astounding pictures that include very informative captions. He directs his website toward those who are willing to open their minds, and try to imagine the amount of devastation that has hit Indonesia so unmercifully. I found his website and photographs to be very moving, and I believe it to be one of the best photojournalism sites I have encountered so far.
from a blog by Ashley Hogan, La Grande, Oregon http://tsunamiindo.blogspot.com/
Hello Karl… My name’s Agatha, I live In Poland / Warsaw – exactly. I am sorry for this e-mail, but I would like to tell you your photos are beautifull. I am really impression. I am student of math on University of Warsaw, but I am really interested photography and arts, especially computer arts. I would like to have so great friend like you;) I have find your website really by fortune in google, when I was looking for some information about children of Africa (it’s so sad for me, what happen there). I admire you… Agata
Karl not only captures images of people, he captures their lives. Mimsy, Feb 12,
Super photojournalist- check out the pics of the Tsunami aftermath. Wiggy, Feb 6,
Classy photojournalist. Caravaggio, Jul 21, 2004
Brilliant photography, a joy to browse through.