Seedling of Hope

AIDS sufferers fortunate enough to have supportive families, die at home; those without, Father Noonan knows; would likely die alone, on the unforgiving streets of Phnom Penh. Despite an overwhelming problem and staggering odds, Noonan stays motivated, continually looking for ways to lessen the suffering. Seedling of Hope Hospice cannot help everyone, but to Noonan, and for every person he cares for, a small victory is won amid the tragedy.



With AIDS devastating entire regions of the world, many nations are set back decades in their development. Nearly 22 million people worldwide have died from AIDS since the epidemic began. In 2000 alone, about 5.3 million people were newly infected. Of the estimated 40 million people globally who are living with HIV, nearly 12 million are children. The number of children orphaned by the epidemic since it began-13.2 million-is forecast to more than double by 2010. In some of the hardest-hit countries, the disease is expected to kill more than half of young adults. AIDS impacts infant, child, and maternal mortality, life expectancy, and economic growth. It widens the gap between the rich and poor and marginalizes entire populations. US-based nongovernmental organizations are providing development and relief assistance ranging from emergency aid to AIDS awareness programs and community-based health care and education programs